Friday, February 5, 2016

Jesus vs. atheism. Jesus wins hands down!

How does atheism stack up against the power of Jesus? Jesus: The King of King and the Lord of Lords!

Google trends: Searches for the terms Jesus, God, atheism and atheist 
Please note:  In the above graph, notice how the terms Jesus and God soar exceedingly far above the lowly terms atheism and atheist in terms of Google search volume Jesus  is still loved and respected by many. Atheism is still very much unloved and disrespected.  Is it any wonder that many atheists prefer to be labeled as humanists, rationalists, freethinkers, brights, etc. Anything but atheist!  Also, many people name their child Christian.  Many hispanic parents name their sons Jesus.  But who names their child "Atheist'?  Nobody!

Google trends: The keyword "atheism"

Google trends: The keyword "atheist"

Google trends: Various prominent atheism related terms

Google trends: Searches for the term Freethinker

Proof and evidence that Christianity is true

See: Proof and evidence that Christianity is true

Proof and evidence that atheism is true? 

See: Proof and evidence that atheism is true?


  1. Atheism is close to nihilism. And nihilism can be a schizophrenia.

  2. Atheism is nothing more than "lack of a belief in the existence of god(s)". Being an atheist does *not* mean rejecting all moral principles or thinking that life is meaningless ("nihilism"). Neither of these have any intrinsic link to schizophrenia, which is a form of mental illness often involving the hearing of imaginary voices. Sound familiar?
    More and more people, especially *young* people, are discovering that various forms of religion offer nothing but the opportunity to abandon rational thought and the ability to enjoy the only life we have. Thank goodness!

    1. Stephen, you are not telling the whole story about the definition of atheism.

      Atheism, as defined by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and other philosophy reference works, is the denial of the existence of God.

      Paul Edwards, who was a prominent atheist and editor of the Encyclopedia of Philosophy, defined an atheist as "a person who maintains that there is no God."

      Beginning in the latter portion of the 20th century and continuing beyond, many agnostics/atheists have argued that the definition of atheism should be defined as a mere lack of belief in God or gods.

      Eric Hatfield states at the the website Is there a God? concerning the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:

      An atheist wrote to the Stanford Encyclopedia a few years back, requesting the definition be changed to the more modern usage, but the editor declined, pointing out that the older definition was still the one used by philosophers, and saying that Flew hadn’t persuaded his peers on this matter. It is worth reading both the letter and the response.

      For additional information:

      Next, you wrote: "More and more people, especially *young* people, are discovering that various forms of religion offer nothing but the opportunity to abandon rational thought and the ability to enjoy the only life we have."

      Second, atheism has been shown to be a causal factor in term of various types of ill mental/physical health. See: and and

    2. Stephen,


      Atheism is declining in terms of its global market share:

      Atheism is irrational:
